Saturday, February 4, 2012


voir venir

"What is it that summons us to write when the time of the book, determined by a relation of beginning-end, and the space of the book, determined by deployment from a center, cease to impose themselves? The attraction of (pure) exteriority." Blanchot



Self and Emotional Life: Merging Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Neuroscience, with Adrian Johnston, Columbia UP

The Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity, Polity

The New Wounded: From Neurosis to Brain Damage, Fordham UP
translation of Les nouveaux blessés (2007)

Que faire de notre cerveau?, 2nd édition, Bayard

Beynimizle Ne Yapmalıyız?, Küre Yayınları
Turkish translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)

Benim İçin Bedenim Ol: Tinin Görüngübilimi'nde Beden, Şekil ve Plastikiyet, Açılım Kitap
Turkish translation of Sois mon corps (2010)

I nuovi feriti della mente. Da Freud alla neurologia, pensare i traumi contemporanei, O Barra O Edizioni
Italian translation of Les nouveaux blessés (2007)



The Heidegger Change: On the Fantastic in Philosophy, SUNY Press
translation of Le Change Heidegger (2004)

Changing Difference, Polity
translation of Changer de différence (2009)

Ontologie des Akzidentiellen: Essay zur zerstörerischen Plastizität, Merve Verlag
German translation of Ontologie de l'accident (2009)

Bodi moje telo! Dialektika, dekonstrukcija, spol, Zalozba Krtina [Slovenian]

Wat te doen met ons brein, Boom
Dutch translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)

La Plasticidad en Espera. Santiago de Chile : Palinodia.



Sois mon corps : Une lecture contemporaine de la domination et de la servitude chez Hegel, with Judith Butler, Bayard
in English: ''You Be My Body for Me: Body, Shape, and Plasticity in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit'' in A Companion to Hegel (Wiley-Blackwell 2011, eds. Houlgate and Baur)



Ontologie de l'accident: Essai sur la plasticité destructrice, Léo Scheer

La grande exclusion : L'urgence sociale, symptôme et thérapeutique, with Xavier Emmanuelli, Bayard

La chambre du milieu: De Hegel aux neurosciences, Hermann

Changer de différence: Le féminin et la question philosophique, Editions Galilée



What Should We Do with Our Brains, Fordham UP
translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)

La plasticidad en el atardecer de la escritura, Ellago
Spanish translation of La plasticité au soir de l'écriture (2004)



Les nouveaux blessés: De Freud à la neurologie, penser les traumatismes contemporains, Bayard

Que hacer con nuestro cerebro, Arena Libros
Spanish translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)

Was tun mit unserem Gehirn?, Diaphanes
German translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)

Cosa fare del nostro cervello?, Armando Editore
Italian translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)



La plasticité au soir de l'écriture: Dialectique, destruction, déconstruction, Léo Scheer



Hegel no mirai, tr. de Yuji Nishiyama, Tokyo, Mirai Sha, 2005.
Japanese translation of L'avenir de Hegel (1996)

Translated by Kohei Kuwada and Bunishiro Masuda, Tokyo: Shunjusha
Japanese translation of Que faire de notre cerveau? (2004)



Que faire de notre cerveau?
, Bayard

The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic, Routledge
translation of L'avenir de Hegel (2000)

Counterpath, with Jacques Derrida, Stanford University Press



Plasticité, Léo Scheer

Voyager avec Jacques Derrida – La Contre-allée, with Jacques Derrida, La Quinzaine littéraire-Louis Vuitton



L'avenir de Hegel : Plasticité, temporalité, dialectique, Vrin



Edited Revue Philosophique's special issue on Derrida (April-June, no.2)

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